Saturday, September 12, 2015

September 2015

September's Trickle In Activity was to create a  Paper Plate Portrait of our siblings with specials needs.

 They were able to show us their paper plates later in the day during a game of "Mocassins." Each Sibshopper introduced their sibling to us via their portrait and then took a turn telling us what it might be like to walk in their sibs shoes. Most of our Sibshoppers believe their sibs are happy with themselves and are doing a pretty good job facing their personal challenges. They also seem to believe their sibs truly adore them!

 Lunch was followed by a quick game of "Knots." 
 We watched a video made by another Sibshop group in Frisco, CA.  You can find it here. 
We then took the opportunity to share some of our own experiences as sibs.

See you in October!

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