Saturday, October 14, 2023

October 2023

 Welcome to our October Sibshop.

As our friends trickled in to the workshop, we created some slightly spooky masterpieces. 

Today's Sibshop was a little out of the ordinary and we were so grateful for it. We love when Debbie from the USDB comes to present and do a deafblind simulation with our Sibshoppers. The kids get the fantastic opportunity to learn more about deafblindness and to experience it personally with a fun, but challenging, simulation.

Each Sibshopper gets the opportunity to be led and to be a guide. 

It's not an easy task for either role. Guides bear a big responsibility for safety and care.  The led must trust despite despite discomfort and uncertainty.

Thanks Debbie for helping us have a great time while building skills, empathy and compassion.

Spooky Snacks were on the menu for the remainder of the workshop. A little lunch followed by some Halloween krispie treat decorating.

These monster treats seem to be too cleverly decorated to eat. 

Looking forward to November and the final Sibshop of the year 2023. See you then!