Saturday, July 11, 2015

July 2015

Summer was in full swing for our July Sibshop!
We made some fun Summer Lanterns that hopefully your kiddos brought home to share with your families. Enjoy a nice night out on the patio with your homemade lantern.

 "Mousetrap" is a fun version of tag that gets everybody up and moving whether they are a mouse scurrying for cover or part of the trap that works hard to capture its prey.

"My Very Special Dream" helps our Sibshoppers reflect on the hopes and wishes they have for themselves as well as for their sibling with special needs.

The Sibshoppers love a game of "Islands". This version of musical chairs uses disappearing paper plates and requires constant movement!

 "Color Guard" isn't as easy as it looks!  Especially when volunteer Sean is acting as Guard. You've gotta be quick and stealthy if you wanna get your egg into the basket.

We wrapped up our July summer event with some bibliotherapy and popsicles.  Your kids used up a lot of energy so we rewarded them with a sweet treat and sweet spot to sit and listen to some books about children with special needs.

See you in August for our last summer Hurrah!