Saturday, July 9, 2016

July 2016

Welcome to Sibshops July 2016.  Our trickle in activity was to create some "Ferocious Beings".  Sometimes what you see on the outside is not always what is happening on the inside!

 After going over the rules and expectations for Sibshop, we encouraged the Sibshoppers to get to know one anothers names better.  They did this by establishing a bean bag toss pattern that seemed easy at first.  You call out a name and toss the beanbag to that same person every time and then you are prepared to catch the toss from the person who is throwing the bean bag to you every time.  No biggie, right? Well, once you add a few beanbags to the mix and you have kids calling out names constantly, you get a little loud and exciting chaos.  That chaos is then complicated by what we call the "Useless Machine." You keep the same pattern, but this time there is no tossing--just up close and personal handing the bean bag from person to person.  Multiple beanbags really does make our machine useless!
 We then spent some time walking a mile in our sibling's moccasins. This activity provides the opportunity for our Sibshoppers to take the perspective of their sibling with a special need.  They get to share what they think their sibling feels about school, or making friends, or even having them as a sibling!
 Image result for moccasins

 Balloon Foot Volleyball is a favorite, although tiring game. Maintaining a crab walk and only using your feet to propel the balloon balls can wear you out.

 We spent the rest of the afternoon playing some board games, eating lunch and trying out a new game called 'Bridge Ball."  We sure like to play and have fun at each Sibshop!

 Sishops of Utah County works hard to build friendships, share experience and make memories!