Sunday, August 15, 2010

August 2010

Here's a sampling of some of our Sibshop activities during the month of August:
Favorites: A game where your write your favorite things down on a notecard then swap your card anonymously with another Sibshopper and then try and find out who has your card and whose card you are holding. Turns out we have a ton of Pizza Lovers at Sibshops!
Dear Aunt Blabby: The kids act as experts as they answer questions from other kids who have siblings with special needs. Dear Abby has nothing on our very own Sibshoppers!
Knots: The kids wrap themselves up in the most fiercesome knots and generally are able to work themselves out of trouble!
The kids create a fun craft called "That Bugs Me/The Love Bug". On one side of their crafted bug they wrote things about their sib that are sometimes annoying or aggravating. On the other side of their bug they wrote things they love and enjoy about their sib with special needs.

"Human Pinball" is one seriously exhasting game. The kids act as the pins as they bat the balls in the middle trying to hit their target. is harder than it looks!