Saturday, February 13, 2016

February 2016

Welcome to Sibshops February 2016!
For our trickle in, our Sibshoppers created these adorable heart trees.  They were asked to think about their families and those they love!

 We played a fun game of Zap It!  The kids had to bounce tennis balls on the hearts in order to earn points.  They could go for the big win by hitting the tiny 1,000,000 heart on the top.  However, it is right above a "Zap It!" heart which causes you to lose ALL your accumulated points. We had two winners at the Million Point Mark!

 I guess you could call this game "Slap It!" This silly hand slapping game requires a lot of concentration and dexterity.  It's a lot trickier than our Sibshoppers anticipate!

 Our main discussion activity today was called "My Very Special Dream".  Hopefully, many of our families got to see these handouts that their Sibshoppers completed.  For this activity, you fill out a dream for yourself and then a dream for your sibling with special needs.  We then let every kid who wants to get up on their "soapbox" and share their dreams with us! I think Fire Breathing Dragons were included this time around.

 "Do You Love Your Neighbor" is a classic game our Sibshoppers love playing!

 An 'Eye Spy" challenge got the kids quiet and forced them to use their noggins to be successful.

 "Bingo!" If we didn't play our simple Bingo game in February, I think we would have a riot on our hands.  The kids just love eating the candy hearts!

See you in March!