Saturday, June 8, 2024

June 2024

 Welcome to our first summer Sibshop of 2024!

We thought we ought to celebrate the awesome Dads in our families by creating a personalized coupon book for Father's Day.

One lucky Dad received a coupon for a portrait from one of our most artistic Sibshoppers.

We also tried our hand at creating bouncy balls. Turns out it may be an exact science! We tried our best and had a little fun even if our bouncy balls turned out a teeny bit wonky...

This chalk obstacle course got our blood pumping as we ran, spun, jumped, stomped, clapped and sprinted to the best of our ability. We took a few runs at it and our Sibshoppers got faster and faster. Practice makes perfect--or at least it helps you get there! We were each able to figure out our strengths and our challenges on the obstacle course and found ways to improve and get faster times.

We came back inside to cool off and spent some time interviewing one another about ourselves and our sibling with special needs. We discussed our strengths and weaknesses and the beauty of a world filled with unique people. 

Lunch was next and then a silly game of  "Don't Eat Dad!" 

The summer sun wasn't too blazing so we enjoyed some water balloon tossing and popsicles to wrap up the workshop.

See you in July!