Welcome to our July 2024 Sibshop!
As all our Sibshoppers trickled in, we created some colorful windsocks.
We then spent some time getting to know one another and our siblings with special needs. It is fun to make new friends! We really enjoyed introducing our new friends to a cult favorite at Sibshops of Utah County--Hula Hoop Showdown. We love this physical, team competitive version of "Rock, Paper, Scissors."
We then settled in to watch a short video about siblings just like us.
You can check out the video here.
Our Sibshoppers shared their own experiences as sibs with one another and laughed and groaned together. It's a relief to get support from someone who gets it!
Lunch was amazing and we all enjoyed our nacho bar. Dessert was even better. We made personalized fruit pizzas and they tasted even better than they looked.
After licking our fingers clean, we played some "Hula Blockers" to wrap up today's workshop.
We are looking forward to a lot more fun at our August Sibshop.
See you then!