Happy Birthday Sibshops of Utah County!
We celebrated our 20th birthday at Sibshops today with a super fun birthday party.
Birthday hats were a must.
Looking good with the hats and ready to party!
We checked in with one another and did some introductions and got to know one another better. We love making new friends.
We played a ridiculously fun party game of cup stacking with balloons.
To celebrate this awesome anniversary, we pulled out some old time capsules created in the past. Then we worked on creating our own time capsules.
While we didn't bring out any real candles (fire hazard after all) we did make many birthday wishes. Each Sibshopper took some time to identify birthday wishes they would make for their sibling with special needs as well as a couple for themselves.
You can't have a respectable birthday party without some cake and ice cream.
We had a great party celebrating Sibshops of Utah County's 20th! Here's looking forward to 20 more!