Saturday, April 15, 2023

April 2023

 We started off our April 2023 Sibshop by creating some "Snazzy Snakes" with pipe cleaners, perler beads, googly eyes and a little hot glue.  The kids devoted a lot of their creative energy to getting the pattern just how they wanted.   

 Look at these super silly, snazzy snakes! We had a lot of funny creating something fun!
Following our Welcome and Introductions, we played another few rounds of "Color Guard." It was a favorite from last time and the kids love playing it so we were back at it again this month. The color guard calls out a color and all those players holding an egg that color try and get in the basket before being tagged out. 

Last month our Sibshoppers created some "Book Talk" videos where they shared a review about books with a special needs theme. Those videos are still being produced but we were able to watch the first cuts together. Then we read another book together in small groups and talked about what they meant to us.
Lunch was followed by a ridiculously fun partner game of "Huckle Buckle!" 
Partners race to complete the Huckle Buckle instruction before the other teams. The last team is out of the round. 

We wrapped up our Sibshop by completing a "Sound Off" handout. Sibshoppers get to share something good, bad or so-so about having a sibling with special needs. 

We are looking forward to May and hopefully some warmer weather.