Saturday, February 12, 2022

February 2022

 Welcome to February's Sibshop! We had a great time celebrating Chinese New Year. We started by honoring the Year of the Tiger by completing by trying to complete some tissue paper tigers. Unfortunately the craft did not go as planned and we had to adapt and revise.  The kids were super patient and willing to roll with the punches. We did get some fun finished projects after another go around.

We completed our second round of crafting tigers while reading a book called "Courage". Tigers are known to be Courageous & Brave. We talked about how there are many ways to show courage and bravery-- like jumping off a high dive, showing kindness to a stranger, introducing our siblings to friends or trying a new food for the first time. Some of our Sibshoppers even gave edamame a try for lunch! :)

As Sibshoppers completed their craft, we played a game of "Undercover Leader" before going over our Rules & Expectations and introducing new members to the group.

"Head, Shoulders, Knees and Cups!" was next on the agenda. It's a silly, competitive game of who can grab the cup first when, and only when, cup is called out!

"Pass the Panda" is our Chinese New Year version of hot potato. We passed a panda bear as we listened to some enchanting Chinese music. When the music stopped and you found the panda in your hands, you answered a question about yourself. What's your favorite color? When have you felt proud of your sib? What's your favorite book? What is the name of your sibs special needs?

"Pong Hau Kii" is a traditional Chinese games that resembles a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. It's a bit trickier to figure out but our Sibshoppers were quick learners.

Our Sibshoppers ate through chow mein and orange chicken like voracious tigers! It was a deliciously yummy lunch complete with a fortune cookie for dessert. With full bellies we played a ridiculous game of "Earthquake!" 

To wrap things up, we created our own unique "Red Envelope" activity. Instead of placing money in our red envelopes, we wrote messages of hope, love and gratitude to deliver to our loved ones. 

We look forward to seeing you all again in March.