Saturday, June 14, 2014

June 2014

June's Sibshop started off messy with lots of painted handprints! Our Sibshoppers were happy to share the many fun things they appreciate about their Dads.  Sounds like we have lots of supportive Dads who enjoy being silly and teasing their children! ;)

 A game of Bean Bag/Ball Toss gets us warmed up to one another quickly! We create a pattern of throwing the ball to a friend whose name we call out and then we try and finish that pattern as quickly as we possibly can. You've got to remember who you pass the ball to as well as who is going to pass the ball to you. Once we have our pattern established we throw multiple balls into the mix!
 We like to then mix things up with 'The Useless Machine". Instead of being spread apart and throwing the ball to one another across a large circle, we get up close and personal just passing the balls to one another. It is not as easy as it sounds!

The kids got a work out enjoying one of our classic Sibshop games called 'Triangle Tag". When you are "it", your objective is to tag the member of the triangle identified with a red bandana. The other members of the triangle do everything then can to prevent the tag from happening.

One of our discussion activities for the day is called "Moccasins." This game provides an opportunity to walk a mile in our siblings shoes. What does life look like and feel like for my sibling with special needs?
 Our Sibshoppers were pretty successful at viewing life from their sibs perspective.  They responded to different scenarios, including: What does my sibling think about having me as sibling? How does my sibling feel about making friends? How would my sibling describe their life?
 I hope all you families got a chance to take a look at our Super Hero Worksheets! The kids were clever as they imagined themselves and their siblings as superheroes fighting the evils of the world!
 Our final fun game had our Sibshoppers trying to vanquish their villains while protecting their heroes at the same time. With all the balloon popping, cheering, groaning, and gutter balls, it wasn't as easy as our Sibshoppers initially thought it would be!

We giggled a lot and enjoyed being together at June's Sibshop! See you soon.