Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February 2013

Happy Valentines Sibshop!

We started out creating some fun paintings doing marble art. Note for the future, make sure to use big, heavy marbles! The ones we stole from our Chinese checkers were a little too light to do the job we hoped for! The kids were creative though and some even turned their artwork into giant valentines for their sibs.

We tried out a new game called "Artic Winds Hoops" and chased eachother in a game of tag with hoops swinging round our feet. 

 We enjoyed snacking on some yummy conversation hearts while playing some Valentines B-I-N-G-O! Some kids seem to have ALL the luck! We shared some reasons we love our siblings while we played.

The blind obstacle course proved to be a little challenging and a little scary (they probably won't admit it!). Our sibshoppers took turns directing each other through a topsy turvy "trust" course while blindfolded. They scaled boxes, crawled through tunnels, avoided cones and slithered on their bellies underneath a really short bench--all while blindfolded and guided by a fellow Sibshopper.

Looking forward to March!