We played "Balloon Stomp" as one of our first activities. This was a lot of fun!
It got a little bit crazy but no one got hurt.
Some of us got out really quick. It was a lot of fun to watch everyone else try and stomp the others balloons.
We played "Telephone."
Each of us told the next person what we heard. There were a lot of goofy messages shared.
None of the messages ended the same as they started. We learned that when we gossip or share secrets about our friends or family sometimes it may get changed and not end the same as it started. This is why it is important to not talk bad about others.
We received a really fun surprise from a SibShopers group in North Carolina.
We learned that there are other kids just like us, that have siblings with disabilities as well. We responded to their letters and shared some of our experiences as well.
It was a lot of fun. We hope to hear from them again.
We read a couple of books about children with disabilities.
We played "eggspert" and shared all that we had learned.
We had a lot of fun this year in SibShop. We can't wait to see what fun next year will entail. A BIG Thanks to Jessica Nix, Tina Dyches, and all of our volunteers that helped out to make sure we had a good time each month. You're the BEST!