Monday, November 17, 2008

No Sibshop in December

Just a reminder, there is no Sibshop in December!
Thanks to all those who participated in the Super Sibshop last Thursday evening.
By all accounts, it was a huge success.
We will start Sibshops again in January 2009, so mark the second Saturday
of each month on your calendar from 10-12:30.
More info to come.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Super Sibshop In November

We will NOT have a regular Sibshop in November. Mark your calendars for the awesome SUPER SIBSHOP on Thursday, November 13 as part of the Utah County Special Needs Conference held at Mountain View High School in Orem. The conference starts at 5 p.m. and ends at 8:30 p.m.

Here is the registration info for the conference including conference attendance, Sibshop registration and respite care info. Sibshops is free for any kiddo, ages 7-13, whose parent is attending the conference. Respite is also free. You must send in separate registration forms IN ADVANCE. If your kiddo is a regular attendee, you don't need to fill out the entire Sibshop registration form, just put their name, DOB and age for us, we already have the rest.

Also, please contact me directly if you plan to send your child to Sibshops and not attend the conference yourself. This is only available for our regular attendees, we will not accept community kiddos whose parents are not attending the conference themselves. We can work out payment with you individually.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Mummy Wrap

Don't we look like mummies?

Pizza Mummies and Witches Fingers!

Since Halloween is right around the corner, the kids made pizza mummies. Then they each made witches fingers with sugar cookie dough.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Some fun photos!


Some fun with the Winegars!

Sibs at Sibshops!

September 2008 Sibshop

We have lots of fun and games planned! Get ready for some 4-square, q-tip wars, native american art, and a yummy M&M game to get us talking! We will have nachos and ice cream floats to satisy our appetites! Can't wait to see you!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Super Fun in August!

Here's a photo of our group with the awesome Dancers! Go Miss Deah!

Friday, August 8, 2008


Lei Craft Making
Strengths and Weaknesses

Tahitian Dancing
Freer Freeze Tag
Sandcastle Building

Monday, June 2, 2008

June 14th Activities!

Summer Fun!

  • Nametags
  • Summer Family Activity
  • Four Corners
  • Time Capsules
  • Lunch: Hotdogs, buns, chips, fruit, vegetables, icecream sandwiches
  • Hoyt Discussion
  • Kick Ball
  • Sibshop Cheer